I work with light to capture specific moments in time. Moments vary due to position and strength of available light. I am interested in how people interact within their environment and the relationship that develops between nature and itself.
I had started by working on the change of my immediate environment through the seasons. I was able to show the changes that snow went through, from the time it fell, to the time it melted. I was concerned with the way shadows were created, and how the colour of the snow changed with the sunlight. As spring came, nature came back to life. The trees and flowers in full bloom provided opportunity to express colour that had been sleeping.
People are very fascinating to watch. Normally upon view of a camera most people become uncomfortable, and images become stiff and unnatural. When I want to express a specific idea using a person, I state what I am looking for and watch through the lens as the person becomes the idea. Usually without notice, I snap the picture. By waiting and talking with the person they become more relaxed, producing a more natural feel to the image.