Saturday, February 17, 2007


The majority of my work revolves around found objects. I am drawn to life in its natural state. I work with flowers, but do not care for the flowers themselves but rather their naturalistic state of existence.

Flowers exist where they are and are stumbled upon in order to be seen. Whether purposely planted or random growth in nature, a flower will be only what it will be. Organics of colour and form inspire and excite the senses, which is worthy of documentation.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


When one looks at anything, one makes a series of still frames.
Ones' mind puts all the still frames into motion producing all one sees.

both: April 2006

© 2006 J.L.Printup. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Holga Series

There are some who say Holga produced photographs are not real photographs. Yet these people fake the effect in Photoshop and praise their technical skills. What could there possible be that is not "real"? Light interacts with the film to produce a chemical reaction; thus negatives. Why should it matter whether the container holding the film cost $20 or $3,000, when one is creating a photograph for a specific reason?

The photographs in this series are not manipulated in Photoshop to create the effect shown. Photoshop, for this series, is used to resize, "dust," and perhaps add a touch of contrast (+1 or 2), to compensate for scanning. This series is created from expired, Kodak 120 Tmax 100 [B/W] or Kodak 120VC 400 [Colour] film. I use expired film, first because I will not throw out film, and second because of the possibility for distortion enhancement.

© 2006 J.L.Printup. All Rights Reserved.