Second my thoughts are with my cousin, a marine, who left today for his second tour of duty in Iraq. May he and all other military personal return safely.
[Lat.] I have thought >> reactions, memories, images, feelings, common occurrences during any given day.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Until Next Year
First off, the year is over and what a year it has been. I hope the new year is better than the last, people are healthier and people everywhere can find peace. Sure it is a stretch, but the hope is there none the less.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
". . .Teenage Wasteland . . ."
The Who were honoured at the Kennedy Center Honors tonight. Listening to their music tonight brought back so many memories. Memories like being too small to reach the turntable but trying to put The Who's Who's Next (1971) on, then giving up and carrying the album to the nearest adult, even if I cannot remember who that was. I managed to see Tommy in London in 1996 while studying art history that summer at the same school Pete Townshend went to, the Ealing campus of Thames Valley University (formally Ealing Technical College & School of Art).
Tonight the goose bumps rose and the tears welt as the tribute was made to two of the most influential musicians, Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Kisses for Rocky
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Power Outages
There were such high winds today with 60+ mph gusts. My stepfather works at a local supermarket which lost power for about 6 hours. Over 2,000 people were out of power in the area and we lost power for a short period of time. I was told there was a lot of damage and debris in the streets and the winds, at one point, surpassed hurricane winds. We did not sustain much damage, but the boat was blown off its blocks in the yard and there are a lot of branches down. I had to run outside periodically throughout the day to catch things blowing around, like buckets, and secure them again.
The temperature started at 63°F and ended at around 35°F. The cats were scared of the noise of falling branches on the roof. And then there were the two humans running to the window when there was a crash and/or a huge rush of wind.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I am still home for 2 more weeks before the next semester begins. I have a lot to accomplish before I return, but not today. The weather was rainy yet we had record high temperatures, 58°F, but I was so damn tired from the snow shoveling, and chaos of the holidays that I did nothing but play video games and eat a couple of times. I do not even care how pathetic this sounds, I needed a break.
It was nice, but back to business tomorrow.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Video Games
For the first time, maybe ever, I went shopping today to check out the sales. I ended up acquiring a used PS2 and a couple of games, 2 of the 3 games had multiple games, Atari remakes as this is my type of game. The other game was a fishing game, an ethical fishing game, but I have not figured how to cast and when I can I cannot figured out how to "catch" a fish.
So much fun and brings back many memories of going to the arcade as a kid.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
X-mas 2008
It was a mostly white X-mas, more like melty sludge, but there were snow flurries, until the sun came into view. We went to my younger brother's house to pick him up and give him our gifts. Then we all piled into our car and went to my Aunt, my Mother's sister, for dinner -- at 13:00. We all ate, drank, and talked for a bit then shot pool and played team foosball. Another gift exchange followed by a period of utter chaos, I will not disclose, then home again.
Another holiday which took weeks to prepare and hours to blast through.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
X-mas Eve to remember
My grandparents, stepbrother, sister-in-law and niece came over for dinner and gift exchange. Right in the middle of dinner the whole area lost power. I managed to retrieve a battery lantern to which we continued the festivities until the power returned two hours later. After coffee (is an electric coffee maker) everyone left and we were able to watch A Christmas Story and wrap the rest of the gifts for tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We finally finished X-mas shopping for the 2008 shopping season. It snowed and was all around bad weather for so many days that at the first bit of better weather we ventured out into the chaos that is the holiday shopping season. With a bit of good luck it only took about 4.5 hours round trip; thru traffic and snow showers. Now we have to wrap everything and pick up the house a bit as, weather permitting, we are hosting X-mas eve festivities at our house. My niece, her parents (my older stepbrother and his wife) and my Grandparents (mother's side) will be gracing us with their presence.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Winter Playground
After shoveling, yet again, I shoveled a path to the bird feeder (still in the garage due to high winds), then spread seed all over. Some of the regulars braved the frigid temperatures and actually played in the snow. The Dark-eyed Juncos were chasing each other and sliding down the sides of the path -- the path which is at least a foot and a half deep. It started snowing again and the seed was covered in places so the birds had to dig for their food. They looked so funny with snow around their beaks and then them shaking the snow off. Do not get me started on the perching birds in the trees or where ever they could find room, as they were so poofy, trying to stay warm.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Winter Solstice
I really wish I had something more to write about today, but I do not -- it is still snowing. The wind is whipping through at about 25+mph (40 km/h) taking the 8°F (-13°C) temperature to about 13°F (-25°C). It has been useless to keep shoveling as the snow keeps blowing back, everywhere. So here I sit, with a sleeping kitty curled next to me, watching the National Geographic Channel and trying to stay warm.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bird Count
Today was the 9th Annual Wilson-Lake Plains X-mas Bird Count. With all the snow the turn out was poor. Almost all the regulars were a no show, but there were about 15 birds, representing 7 species [Dark-eyed Junco, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay and Common Crow, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker].
I am sure everyone will return soon.
Friday, December 19, 2008
X-mas Party
I was worried that we would not get to go to my younger brother's house X-mas party due to the intense snowstorm today. I do not think I exaggerate when I say we might have received two foot of snow. With some excellent driving through treacherous, unplowed, roads, we made it. Many families cancelled tonight.
We give my brother some of his presents and save the rest for X-mas day. He gives us our presents, to which I received a cookie jar and packaged cookies. He said if I really cannot use it I could always fill it with beer -- he is too amusing.
We give my brother some of his presents and save the rest for X-mas day. He gives us our presents, to which I received a cookie jar and packaged cookies. He said if I really cannot use it I could always fill it with beer -- he is too amusing.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I have been watching Iron Chef every night for a few weeks now, and I actually started cooking a bit more. Tonight I decided, at the last moment, to make a scallion soup, inspired from an episode. I used a vegetable broth, added miso, and two scallions.
Delicious, truely tasty!!!
Off to watch another episode.
Delicious, truely tasty!!!
Off to watch another episode.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Digging out
When the snow stopped falling, about 5-6 inches accumulated in my driveway, well everywhere else too. There was a bit of excitement outside this morning. Our neighbour's aid parked in the street, in front of our house, and the plow truck could not travel along its normal course. Going around the vehicle, the plow truck drops the plow and rips up part of the street around the sewer drain. If the vehicle was not parked where it was, the street would be fine and there would not have been so much heavy wet sludge-snow at the foot of the driveway and the street.
After clearing the driveway (and the mess the plow truck left), I built a little snowman under an opening of our front Pine tree. I used bits of the asphalt left scattered in the street for buttons and a face, with tree branch bits found, in the shoved snow, for arms.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Why is it when the house loses water, due to a water main break, that the need to use the bathroom, to the point of an emergency, occurs? It is ridiculous really.
A few hours later the water is back on and we had the pleasure of running the faucets to get the air out of the lines. The noise freaked out the kids, the cats, and the little one took a liking to the, briefly, unattended running faucet.
I am not surprised all this happened as it was down right frigid and we are going to get slammed with a snowstorm (with sleet, yuck!).
Monday, December 15, 2008
Iron Chef
I cannot express my utter happiness on the rerunning of Iron Chef originally called Ironmen of Cooking (料理の鉄人 Ryōri no Tetsujin). It is badly dubbed into English, but the fervor is still preserved. It matters not that they use ingredients I would never eat, but matters lay in the presentation achieved in the short amount of time they are given for a challenge.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
"Oh, gentlemen, after all, perhaps I consider myself an intelligent man only because all my life I have been able neither to begin nor finish anything. Granted, granted I am a babbler, a harmless annoying babbler, like all of us. But what is to be done if the direct and sole vocation of every intelligent man is babble, that is, the intentional pouring of water through a sieve?"
Фёдор Миха'йлович Достое'вский
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I do not know anyone that does not like a sale. I am talking about 50% sales and bigger. I was in JoAnn Fabrics and some patterns were $1.99, originally $14.95-$16.95. I am not kidding. I also scooped up some remnant fabric, perfect for plushies. Coupons are also the best as we had one for, yes, 50% off. A great sale is a sale where one saves $160.00+ and only spend about $50.00, really.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A then B
hours fly by
seasons change
leaves fall
flowers bloom
long sleeves
short pants
hot soup
ice tea
everything changes
only question
is when
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
a rainy day
bustling shoppers
dodge each other
in a silent dance
to get what they desired
with the least exchange
as the rain drops fell
washing away
Monday, December 8, 2008
Today I . . .
. . . shoveled some snow.
. . . cooked rolls.
. . . used new camera.
. . . ate some pizza (without cheese).
. . . read most of Genju no Seiza 3.
. . . did not do laundry.
. . . laughed at funny kitties.
. . . will cheer for the Buffalo Sabres.
. . . cooked rolls.
. . . used new camera.
. . . ate some pizza (without cheese).
. . . read most of Genju no Seiza 3.
. . . did not do laundry.
. . . laughed at funny kitties.
. . . will cheer for the Buffalo Sabres.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Holiday Happening
The Niagara Wine Trail held its annual holiday event today, but it runs two weekends for a total of four days this year. There are twelve wineries, but we only visit 11 of them. There was seven of us in our party and it took us six and a half hours to complete. After getting dropped of we decided to order pizza, and had a bit more wine to wash it down.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Way to Go Buffalo!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I have finally upgraded after 6 years of devotion from the 5700. Doubled in metapixels, quadrupled in zoom (with a wide angle) and capable of handling a 4 GB card. I can now work more easily in the RAW format.
I still to not intend to print any images.
I still to not intend to print any images.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tis the season
of seemingly endless
Relish over
sleep is coming,
homework will subside,
and any sanity left
might return.
of seemingly endless
Relish over
sleep is coming,
homework will subside,
and any sanity left
might return.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wooden Chair
Monday, December 1, 2008
Holiday Shopping
I was shocked at the lack of people in stores today. Maybe we were just early and people were not home from work. There were a lot of cars on the roads, but traffic flowed at a "normal" pace. I prefer to shop online and only have to talk with the UPS person or USPS person. Sometimes, when one least expects it, an interesting character graces ones' presence. That was the highlight of today. A stranger, who did not seem like a stranger was talking to us, strangers from her point of view. Based on our conversation, I have a feeling our paths will cross again.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The Rich Stay Rich and the poor pay for it.
I cannot understand when I hear people complain about the status quo -- the economy, gas, the war in Iraq -- and that they do not want to pay for other people's health care if the USA shifts into national health care, when they shop at high end department stores, drive SUVs, are behind on their taxes and/or run up credit cards and are always on the go. I do not want to continuously pay for these peoples' financial mistakes and extravagant lifestyles, which many times fall into bankruptcy, as much as above mentioned people do not want to pay taxes to provide health care for those who cannot afford it. It is us, the lower middle class and the poor, who have no choice but bail out the "upper crust", the rich, and if we do not pay our taxes or bills the powers that be will take everything from us 100 1000 times faster than anyone financially above us.
I do not support the rich's welfare system.
Pay for what you buy or do not buy it.
I do not support the rich's welfare system.
Pay for what you buy or do not buy it.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Family gatherings are always an interesting and sometimes frightful experience, especially on holidays. This Thanksgiving was one for the record books. There were no fights, no one was angry, my brother was here and no problems -- what more could any dysfunctional family want.
My Thanksgiving was murder-free, yet there was a decapitated dead bird on the table for everyone else.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tomorrow the family comes over for Thanksgiving. I am not so sure how this year is going to go, but I am hopeful. Today is a lot of moving "stuff" to make a bit more room, and cooking. Right after this holiday, I immediately go into the next holiday and put the X-mas tree up and window clings to match.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Today felt like the calm before the storm. I have a week off, and when I return to campus there is only a couple of days before exam week. I still think a break in october would have been almost better, but I will take this break at the end of the semester.
I have a paper on Tibetan Buddhist philosophy (then an in class final), an online chapter test (then the final), and a three part Japanese exam over three days. This semester's finals will not be too stressful considering I have plenty of time to study for Japanese.
I have a paper on Tibetan Buddhist philosophy (then an in class final), an online chapter test (then the final), and a three part Japanese exam over three days. This semester's finals will not be too stressful considering I have plenty of time to study for Japanese.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Greater and Lesser Vehicles
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Little Miss
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The worst thing about this time of year, aside from driving in snow, would be shopping in the stores. There is a reason I shop online for as much as I can. I only went to get groceries -- the traffic was backed up and the store was jammed. It does not seem to matter what time of day I attempt to accomplish my mission, nor am I returning to the midnight shift. An hour and a half later I was on my way home, which is half an hour (at least) away.
Driving around anywhere, for any length of time in this area, and one is bound to see an amazing bit of driving. Example: pickup truck with boxed turkeys piled twice as tall as the cab. Why?
Friday, November 21, 2008
..., again,
Buffalo Sabres lost, again,
Snowing, again,
Fell asleep on the couch, again,
Missed Hell Girl, again,
Just woke up, again,
Backdated this post an hour, again.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
7 Days Left
All together I have 7 days left for this current semester. Finals will follow and then a period of "cool down". I do have a lot of work to do over winter break, but I am definitely taking a few days of "me time". So far I have one A, and I hope to keep the rest of my close.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
དང་པོ་ལ་མཚན་ཉིད། དབྱེ་བ། སྒྲ་བཤད་པ། ཡུ་ལ་གྱི་འ་དོད་ཆུ༹ལ། ཡུལ་ཅན་གྱི་འ་དོད་ཆུ༹ལ། བདག་མེད་ཀྱི་འ་དོད་ཆུ༹ལ། ས་ལམ་གྱི་རྣམ་གཞག་བཤད་པའོ།
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Room with a view
Monday, November 17, 2008
We have snow!
It is snowing, had snowed and will snow until April (most likely). I put the backyard light on to watch the snow fall and Squeaky was standing, paws pressed to the glass, trying in vain to see where this weird stuff falling everywhere was coming from. She moved before I could catch this act on video.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The First Interview
I watched 60 minutes tonight and for the first time, maybe ever, I not only was proud to say I was from the United States, but that I was hopeful as a citizen of this country. When I was out of my country I always had said I was from Canada, even if I was in Canada. I cannot express my feelings that, for the first time, this country came together to say enough is enough -- and actually do something about it. I voted for President Obama and I cannot wait to see what is going to happen in the near future.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My niece came to visit tonight. She is three and is growing up so fast. I read her the books she brought with her, then I had her read them to me. She did not know the words, but the stories she told based on the drawings were quite imaginative. She has learned to count but forgets 10 and goes right to 11. She also has a bit of trouble remembering the colour yellow, but knows the hippopotamus.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I cannot begin to explain the level of exhaustion I am currently experiencing. Despite this, I cannot sleep. I am even going to leave some homework until tomorrow morning just so I can go lay down. I do not understand, I mean I should be tired -- heck I was tired trying to drive home 8 hours ago. The cats can sleep just fine.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Lucky Day
A little bird flew into our window. I ran outside to check on him. Poor little guy was scared and had the wind knocked out of him. I held him for a bit and then placed him in the tray of the bird feeder. When I thought he was in the way of the other birds suddenly wanting to eat, I attempted to move him to a branch, but he had other plans. First he snapped at me, then he tried to fly but could not get too far so he landed on my shoulder. After pooping on me, I talked to him as he looked at me. He gathered enough strength and flew to a near by branch, where he stayed until returning to the feeder to eat and then flew away with his friends.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I Survived (another) Japanese Dialogue Check!
I would probably feel better about dialogue checks if these became a game show and not the "horror of the morning". Okay, maybe not. I naturally dislike standing in front of people and speaking in English. Now imagine the same scenario but in Japanese. I got through it, and that is all that matters.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Low Disk Space
I was working on a new video clip and noticed I did not have a lot of hard drive space left, actually only 1.38 GB. I figured iMovie was wrong so I looked, and sure enough -- should have know I was wrong. I figured out what the problem was but I still spent my afternoon backing up my files and burning disks while trying to memorize my Japanese dialogue for Tuesday's class. I will just say I was only successful in freeing up some more space.
I am going to make a note in iCal so this does not happen again.
I am going to make a note in iCal so this does not happen again.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Banging Head on Wall
My classes ended early today. I could not bring myself to do a whole lot since I was so tired. It is already 16:51 and I do not know where the afternoon went. I feel like I should have been at school since 3 of 5 days I am late. It was a b-e-a-u-tiful day -- in NOVEMBER -- 70+F in WNY.
I need to write an additional 9,000 words this weekend to catch up; I average 500 words a page, you do the math. My inner editor is on strike. My assistant inner editor is screaming at me to fix the shitty writing. My inner writer takes the streaming conscious approach and constantly gets lost.
\(T o T)/
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dragging Feet
I am officially 5 days behind in my writing. I have a novel screaming at me to be written down and I cannot manage to sit and write it down. Usually I have a few minutes, like now, but I have class soon and I need to finish preparing.
I am not giving up.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
THe Day After History
I woke up this morning and the sun seemed to shine a bit brighter, the air smelled a bit sweeter, and over all the world seemed to spin a bit steadier.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I just voted half an hour ago, but I am not sure how much my vote will effect anything, but I like to think I made a difference. If all the people who do not think their vote would make a difference and there-by do not vote, actually voted, maybe things would actually change for the better, as these people as usually pissed off at the status quo, so they would vote for a candidate who says they will create change.
This is the fucking US of A --- exercise your right to vote!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Day 3
Well as of this moment I have half as much as I should to keep a decent pace in running to finish my novel on time. In 15 minutes I will be an additional 1,667 words behind. Maybe this weekend I can catch up a bit, but none-the-less I will keep plugging along.
2681 words
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Ugh, I am already behind on my novel. Damn college work and house chores! [Not really, but this is why I am behind.] Never fear tomorrow is another day. Well that is what I keep saying to myself.
Anyway, looks like the weather will be turning around for the better again -- for the last time I would imagine.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Ok . . . . begin.
I have only 200+ words so far, but I only sat down to write for a little bit. The most important thing is I started, which was the hardest part. Trying to figure how to start, those first couple of lines were the worst. I got through it and so far the rest is flowing. I think I am going to post what I write each day, somewhere, for others to read and to have a back up copy.
Friday, October 31, 2008
All Hallows Eve
I love this time of year. Skulls, ghosts, pumpkins, and kids dressed in costumes. I could not light the jack-o-lantern as it was so windy, but I had "fake" one lit. We only had about 8 kids and their parents, but that was more than last year -- that is what happens in the country.
Best part was the Chinese food and Champagne!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
It is getting colder outside and I have to think about what to do with the bird bath. I have to try and find either a heater or a new setup with a heater so our bird friends have water through the winter. I would hate to take it away completely when the rely on it being there.

A female House Finch figured out the water was also for bathing.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I got fed up with poor recording quality and programs spazing out and not saving = missing class lectures. I bought a USB microphone and, with the aid of GarageBand, recorded class as a podcast with amazing accuracy, clarity and simple exporting. I should have thought of this before! I mean really, I have worked with GarageBand before for other class projects, but not quite in the same format.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Classes on Tuesday
I have a feeling today is going to be a very long day. I have a Japanese Dialogue check, the only thing I severely dislike about the class, then 2 more classes with breaks between until I can leave sometime after 18:00.
The only thing I want to do right now is take a nap, just a nap, as I have a lot I want to get done today.
Maybe later.
The only thing I want to do right now is take a nap, just a nap, as I have a lot I want to get done today.
Maybe later.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday starts National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).
Six weeks until the end of the Fall 2008 college semester.
About two months until the end of 2008.
About six months until "nice" weather returns.
...and the processes repeats itself over and over until the end of this physical body.
Six weeks until the end of the Fall 2008 college semester.
About two months until the end of 2008.
About six months until "nice" weather returns.
...and the processes repeats itself over and over until the end of this physical body.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday and Computers
Today ended on a windy note -- 50+ mph winds that is. Still not an over all bad day. Did some coding on a couple of web sites, studied some Japanese and Classical Tibetan; pretty much sums the day.
Wow, a bolt of lightening just lit up the sky and a rolling rumble of thunder followed ... and now another set. Thunder storms are beautiful, esp. at night when the lightening produces a creepy lighting effect.
Wow, a bolt of lightening just lit up the sky and a rolling rumble of thunder followed ... and now another set. Thunder storms are beautiful, esp. at night when the lightening produces a creepy lighting effect.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Computer Headache
I spent the day, not doing homework like I wanted to, but fighting with the Mirror Agent for my iDisk. I knew I could fix the "problem" as something similar happened when MAC had the "brilliant" idea to release MobileMe and the iPhone at the same time. Nothing is perfect and there are always bumps in the road. I am just glad to be back on track and able to sync my iDisk again, even if it took 3 hours to fix.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Toothpicks for Eyes?
I have come to the conclusion that round about 14:30-15:00 is nap time. The problem: I have a class. Coffee does not help; only makes me have to pee. I try so hard to fight the sleep deprived-ness, but this is a losing battle. I love the class, but I cannot keep my eyes open.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
On & On
This day has to end. I have been going almost non-stop since 07:30.
Campus, errands, Japanese class, force register form, pick up computer, drive home, feed & water the birds while waiting for Mom, take computer back to brother and set up, go home get coffee and books for night class, drive back to campus, Classical Tibetan class, drive back home, dinner, homework while half watching TV, soon bed.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Snowish & Text
The Tibetan text our class (of 4) will be working with was available in the copy center. My friends call it a language of "squiggles," but rest assured the "squiggles" make sense.
It did try to snow, but it was more of a wet mess.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Really, even a possibility is scary in the sense that I am not ready to drive in snow, slush, or on icy streets. BOO! Oh well, this is an inevitable downside to this area. I do not mind the cold temperatures or snow on the ground, it is driving in that nasty stuff I do not care for.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Woke up at the normal Sunday time,
cat at my feet - curled,
usual breakfast,
finished all work for a class,
two weeks early,
now it is over,
two loads of laundry,
cooked two meals,
bad tofu made me ill,
even though it smelled fine,
feel better,
Japanese homework done,
almost time for bed.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A friend gave me birdseed for all my friends outside.
It was a big hit.
This is Chipper's impression of a full vacuum cleaner.
Friday, October 17, 2008
End of the week
sleep in tomorrow
hockey game
Sabres win - again
hockey tomorrow
sleep in tomorrow
hockey game
Sabres win - again
hockey tomorrow
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Fair Trade Chocolate
Chocolate arrived for Reverse Trick-or-Treats.
More info: --- reversetrickortreating
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
にほんごのDialogue Check
Sunday, October 12, 2008
There is a little mouse
outside my house,
a flock of birds
who dropped their turds,
and a chipmunk
with cheeks like a trunk.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
November is almost here, and it is time for National Novel Writing Month. I failed miserably last year, meaning I created characters, but never had time to go further. This year I am determined to at least start writing, and truly hope to get to the 50,000 word mark by the end of the month. One of my college classes is ending just before the start date, so I plan to use the time I spent for that class to write my novel. My other classes are demanding, but I am sure I can write every morning while I drink my coffee and do my homework the night before. I am really excited! I plan to write the novel I attempted to write last year, Oceania 7712 N.E. (well that is the working title, which might just end up as the subtitle).
Friday, October 10, 2008
Hockey Time
Today marks the start of the 2008-2009 Buffalo Sabres hockey season. They play, division rival, Montreal Canadians at home in Buffalo. I started to decorate the den, dusted off the foam finger and got out my Sabres T-shirt to wear during the game -- only.
Let's Go Sabres!
Let's Go Sabres!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My brother's computer crashed today; beyond what we could repair. We took the tower to get a diagnostic check and see if the hard drive died or is corrupted. This is the second time this year his computer crashed and he did not learn his lesson the first time when he lost everything.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Decked Out
I started decorating for All Hallows' Eve. These are not too spooky, but will hopefully will spook the birds enough to not think they can fly though our house.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
frosty morning windows
Junco friends return
colourful trees
wilting flowers
shorter days
digging for gloves
Monday, October 6, 2008
Orange Guest
We have a guest this afternoon. Normally this guest arrives near nighttime, but not today.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Dirty Laundry
I finally had time to do some laundry today! I cannot believe I was so excited about laundry. Clean undies, T-shirt and hoodies --- oh yeah and a couple pairs of sweatpants. I also forgot my bed pants, an oversized pair of plaid cotton pants (2 or 3 times too big) -- the only pants I wear to bed. What the hell is so special about laundry? Simple there is not much I like and tend to wear the same things always: T-shirts, jeans, hoodies, and that plaid pair of bed pants. What can I say, I would rather spend my time on more worth while endevours.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Writing Essays
I did almost nothing today except sit in front of this computer reading and writing my homework for my Digital Internet-working class.
Friday, October 3, 2008
20091 List
I still have to get the photos posted, but I got my car back the other day and it was only a battery terminal end. I made up my mind about next semester classes:
1. Film History 2
2. Programming for Digital Art
3. Web Programming 2
4. Japanese 1st year, 2nd semester
5. Classical Tibetan 2nd year, 2nd semester
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Squash Tops
I used to hate squash, but just recently (right before I made these), I found out I love this squash.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Schedule is up for next semester; Spring 2009. Decisions are swirling. There are so many options and only so much time in a day, so many credits one can handle without losing ones' mind.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
This is a stone that was dug out of our yard when planting some trees. Now is is nestled between some ground cover providing a stepping stone to the water spicket.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I find it increasingly difficult to post on time as I write offline and rewrite here. Most of the time I do not get a chance on the day and need to back date. Some things I want to post are still in notebooks and I have to scan sections. Maybe I will get to it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Without the car it become difficult moving around -- visiting friends or just getting to where one needs to be at a very specific time. I live to far out for public transportation as I would have to drive to a bus stop.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Another Headache
The car broke again. I just want to make it into a front yard planter, but I suppose that is a bit rash. What could possible be wrong now.
"He" finally figured out there is water for "him" to drink -- not just the birds or chipmunks. "He" was practically laying in the water though. Maybe "he" also needed a bath.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I went to Obento, a Japanese restaurant on campus, for some tasty yakisoba noodles. I brought them home only to have a furry guest visit during lunch.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I was so busy today, as Tuesdays usually are. I leave around 07:30 and return around 18:30. Then eat dinner, do homework, and watch a little TV right before I go to bed.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Emmy's
I watch award shows to see favourite characters as they are off screen, and hear the music behind my favourite shows. This year's Emmy's took first prize. Where could one watch Josh Groban sing the theme song to South Park, Cobert talk about prunes and the Smothers Brothers be awarded for the very thing we now take for granted -- "Free" Speech.
"It's hard for me to stay silent, when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there is nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action."
* Tommy Smothers as he accepted his honorary Emmy.
"We are like on Sarah Palin's bridge to nowhere, that's where we are right now. The government can't even bail us out of this. We have nothing."
* Emmy co-host Howie Mandel, who noted he and his co-hosts didn't have a prepared opening monologue
"It's hard for me to stay silent, when I keep hearing that peace is only attainable through war. And there is nothing more scary than watching ignorance in action."
* Tommy Smothers as he accepted his honorary Emmy.
"We are like on Sarah Palin's bridge to nowhere, that's where we are right now. The government can't even bail us out of this. We have nothing."
* Emmy co-host Howie Mandel, who noted he and his co-hosts didn't have a prepared opening monologue
quotes courtesy of Yahoo!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Went to see my brother, as his house was having a picnic. He was the "Official" Grill Master and did a great job. I got to meet most of the residents families and everyone seemed to have a good time. I know I did, even though I do not eat any of the food.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Day's List
Today felt like a week. After Japanese I went home to get my Mother for her PT appointment. Then there was the headache of food shopping -- I love food shopping, just not when it is so crazy. Next a trip to the bank and the library, and then finally home. Not exciting by any means, but still a long day.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Time for Coffee
A ho-hum day, but at least I feel a bit better. I already have my homework done and will probably go to bed early. One more day this week, and it will be a busy one.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I feel horrible. The weather shift, pollen, and sleep depravation has left me with the beginnings of a cold. I am going to take a nap before my next class.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So Far
Few weeks into the semester and things are starting to fall into a routine. I am not crazy about my long break on Wednesday, but there is nothing I can do about this. The two online classes are not that demanding as of yet, and I am glad to be able to get most of the work done on the weekend.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The storm was not as bad as I thought it would be, at least in my area. We only lost power for a few moments, just enough to have to reset the clocks. The wind blew wildly, branches fell along with the various nuts, literal nuts not "crazy" people. Looking out the window in the darkness, I could see the clouds racing across the sky in the moonlight.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I have spent the weekend creating and updating a website for both my Tibetan philosophy and Classical Tibetan classes. Both classes nicely fit together like snug gloves. I get philosophy in the language and language of the philosophy.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
It started raining,
will continue until Tuesday,
ground will be saturated,
material nature of life,
yet life itself continues,
to decay,
an agonizing perception,
thinking so little,
will save,
will continue until Tuesday,
ground will be saturated,
material nature of life,
yet life itself continues,
to decay,
an agonizing perception,
thinking so little,
will save,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Today's Events
pouring rain
Japanese class
therapy appointment
trying to stay awake
grocery store
no bagels
pot stickers
mint imitation Oreos
birthday party
kitty in the bag
shopping in Japan
Japanese class
therapy appointment
trying to stay awake
grocery store
no bagels
pot stickers
mint imitation Oreos
birthday party
kitty in the bag
shopping in Japan
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I really enjoy my mornings, once I wake up a bit. I should specify that I am referring to the week days, not that the weekends are not enjoyable. I sit in a long hallway of tables, next to huge windows overlooking a bit more of campus. Waiting for the coffee to cool enough to drink is my main concern during this time.
I also enjoy people watching. Random people walking, running or sometimes riding by to wherever it is they are off to. Some people I know as they eventually join me, since I am part of their own routines. The kids are the best. There is a daycare just below from where I am currently sitting, equipped with an outdoor playground. I still wished someone would create similar playgrounds in an adult size; the kids look as though they are having so much fun.
I also enjoy people watching. Random people walking, running or sometimes riding by to wherever it is they are off to. Some people I know as they eventually join me, since I am part of their own routines. The kids are the best. There is a daycare just below from where I am currently sitting, equipped with an outdoor playground. I still wished someone would create similar playgrounds in an adult size; the kids look as though they are having so much fun.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Three of four days I feel as though I move out of my house for the day. I carry two bags full of school work, a MacBook, anime and a lunch. Today is the six hour break between classes day. I plan to write one paper, after reading the chapter, and watch two anime disks. Today also might be a three cup of coffee day. This is only one day a week, I sure it will be fine; I just think of all the gas I save by not driving home again.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Growing up
Dear Boo,
Many years have past, but I have not forgotten. You will always be my favourite little man, even if you are not so little anymore. I hope you have a very Happy 9th Birthday and are blessed with the ability to do whatever it is you love to do best.
(The Former) Blue Haired Lady
Many years have past, but I have not forgotten. You will always be my favourite little man, even if you are not so little anymore. I hope you have a very Happy 9th Birthday and are blessed with the ability to do whatever it is you love to do best.
(The Former) Blue Haired Lady
Monday, September 8, 2008
7 Years
Seven years ago I moved back to NY to help my parents. I am finding it hard to believe that so much time has passed. I know we are all better off so I am "happy" my presence is effective. I do not know what my parents would have done without me as my brother has undergone majour ups and downs to the point of three months in and out of hospitals. Hopefully it will get better in the future.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sci-Fi Alive
Visited my brother and installed a webcam. Now, through Skype, we can see him as well as hear him. I still have to try using my MacBook with him since this has a built in iSight. Science fiction coming true -- video phones -- I wonder what is next. I hope a pill shaped vegan meal so I do not have to waste so much time figuring what to eat. I find eating a bother.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Saturday is just another day
The day escaped uneventful
no thing worth reporting
the Earth turned
the sun appeared to rise and fall
no thing worth reporting
the Earth turned
the sun appeared to rise and fall
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Lake
When to the lake today. My stepfather had to pick up his boat motor, so I tagged along. We stopped over at the little shops to view the lake from the "boardwalk". I love to sound of crashing water on the shore even though the water is dirty brown. The sky was too cloudy to see Toronto -- bummer. Before we left we saw a sign for free wine tasting. Free is the best! The wine was from a local winery we had visited many times before, and this place rotates the winery it features. The woman who gave the tastes is a local jazz singer. She also informed us of poetry readings on Wednesdays. My stepfather later joked that we should go but that he would have to write a poem first. I suggested something like:
"Floating in a big lake
big sky, little wave
in a little green boat
I am a fisherman
but I catch no fish"
He was pleasantly amused.
"Floating in a big lake
big sky, little wave
in a little green boat
I am a fisherman
but I catch no fish"
He was pleasantly amused.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Almost the weekend,
very long week,
yet short a day.
Multitude of classes,
with homework to follow,
this is what I signed up for.
Up early,
to bed late,
same routine.
very long week,
yet short a day.
Multitude of classes,
with homework to follow,
this is what I signed up for.
Up early,
to bed late,
same routine.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Passing time
Today is my super long day. I have a 6 hour break between classes and do not want to drive home and then back again -- gas is still too high. I plan to do some homework and watch a couple of films on my MacBook; Little Miss Sunshine (2006) and El Laberinto del fauno [Pan's Labyrinth] (2006).
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So, like the last post suggested, I organized all my school stuffs. Now it is a bit of challenge to remember where everything is, but I am sure I will manage.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Tired of mess,
piles of books,
college work,
bags to carry it all,
library books,
new bookcase,
piles of books,
college work,
bags to carry it all,
library books,
new bookcase,
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Went to visit my brother,
one hour without an issue,
Jasper Kitty making the rounds,
clean sheets,
language mini-lesson,
video game,
drive home in the dark.
one hour without an issue,
Jasper Kitty making the rounds,
clean sheets,
language mini-lesson,
video game,
drive home in the dark.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
This has been such a long week, and I fell asleep on the couch -- a rarity. I am glad to have a long weekend to get a good start at my homework. I really want to get off on a favourable start this semester.
JPN101 - Japanese YR 1, SEM 1
MFC303 - Data Communication and Networking
MFC305 - Digital Internetworking
AS393 - Tibetan Buddhist Thought
AS431 - Classical Tibetan YR 2, SEM 1
(Plus I am getting tutored in Chinese YR2, SEM 1 level)
JPN101 - Japanese YR 1, SEM 1
MFC303 - Data Communication and Networking
MFC305 - Digital Internetworking
AS393 - Tibetan Buddhist Thought
AS431 - Classical Tibetan YR 2, SEM 1
(Plus I am getting tutored in Chinese YR2, SEM 1 level)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Analogy from class
Driving through life collecting bugs on your windshield clouding your vision. Take time to clean the bugs off.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The First Day
今晩は (konbanwa),
I had 2 language classes today, Chinese 201 and Japanese 101, in which English was kept to a minimum. Sometimes I wonder if I can learn these languages, and my professors assure me I am fully able to learn. I hope so.
再见 (zai jian)
I had 2 language classes today, Chinese 201 and Japanese 101, in which English was kept to a minimum. Sometimes I wonder if I can learn these languages, and my professors assure me I am fully able to learn. I hope so.
再见 (zai jian)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
From the closing of the games to the beginning of a new school year, it is truly amazing how fast time goes by and how many amazing events one can experience in a short period of time.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Tiny Dancer
Friday, August 22, 2008
Like a new car
Yes, it is true, my car is fixed -- even though this maybe a premature celebration. I was able to drive the car home and the new shop was able to diagnose and fix what they say is a common problem with my type of car. Hopefully I will not have any more problems starting the car.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tech Family
I love my MACs. First there was Taank; a G5 PowerPC Tower. Next came Bennie "The Monster"; an Intel iMac turned Virtual Machine. Finally, Piint joined the family; a 13" Intel MacBook, also evolving to a Virtual Machine. Everyone enjoys working together and they are a joy to work with.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Athletes of every colour
Years of training
One moment carved in time
All come together under one flag
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Ready, Set, Study
the summer is winding down
shoppers swarm
the new look
for the new year
back to the grind
Monday, August 18, 2008
Grackle Line
All of a sudden we have had a flock of (common) grackles visit our yard every morning. I would venture to say there are at least 20 birds when everyone arrives. When they scatter into the trees, there are just so many places for them to sit and is very humourous to watch them compete for the prime perch. Sometimes they simply line up and wait for others to figure out where they will sit.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Blue Visitor

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Swimming Mania
Watching Phelps win 8 for 8 gold metals in one Olympics was truly amazing. Each event built more excitement and unbelievable finishes. Not only Phelps but how about Torres! Now swimming is over, and time to move on to other favourite events -- track & field.
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Letter
I received a letter from India stating the nun I sponsor, Sonam Yangzom, has not been to the TNP office in Dharamsala to pick up her stipend in a long time. She never said she was leaving, and no one knows where she is. Her name has now been removed from the list so I now I sponsor a different nun, Dekyi Youdon.
I hope wherever Sonam is she is well.

* photo courtesy of TNP
I hope wherever Sonam is she is well.

* photo courtesy of TNP
Thursday, August 14, 2008
summer noises
people shouting
kids laughing
crickets chirping
birds singing
cars beeping
dogs barking
cicadas buzzing
fires crackling
leaves rustling
kids laughing
crickets chirping
birds singing
cars beeping
dogs barking
cicadas buzzing
fires crackling
leaves rustling
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
One More Year Older
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Snack time
This little one was hanging out by the back door. When I first saw this chipmunk, it was sitting inside a hole in a cinderblock eating some sunflower seeds. Later I quietly peaked around the corner of the door again to see the chipmunk perched on the brick having a bit of acorn. It did not seen to mind me checking on what it was doing as it must have known I was only an onlooker and not a threat.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Olympic Fever
Copyright The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad
I have set up in the porch, in front of the TV, to watch as much of the Olympics as I can while still getting some work done -- during the commercials. Then again there is But sometimes there are the must watch commercials, the Clydesdale horses with the Rocky theme song!
Friday, August 8, 2008
The World Watches
We watch as many nations parade their flags, their atheletes into a common arena. All these nations stand side by side, smiling, peaceful. Yet the announcers remind us all of all the conflicts, pain and suffering from the past or the present. Maybe the world will look at these games and learn something.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Upgrade for school
Today marks a new addition to my MAC family, a 13" MacBook. Since I am a college student I was able to get a discount. Also the deal came with an iPod Touch, free after rebate. I was not complaining. This machine will take some getting used to, but I am sure, in no time, I will not know the difference.
Kudos to Apple!
Kudos to Apple!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Meditating Tiny Toad
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The world is an intriguing place,
even though there are days I want to hide.
On my best day,
it could rain.
An alternate ending,
is never possible.
even though there are days I want to hide.
On my best day,
it could rain.
An alternate ending,
is never possible.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The day after Mom's hand surgery is going better than I thought. Last time seemed so long of a recovery, even after one day.
Storms canceled the One Day Fishing Contest my brother and stepfather were going to fish in, but they managed to do a little fishing when the weather cleared a bit. Tomorrow is the rain day, so hopefully they will have better weather.
Storms canceled the One Day Fishing Contest my brother and stepfather were going to fish in, but they managed to do a little fishing when the weather cleared a bit. Tomorrow is the rain day, so hopefully they will have better weather.
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Fair
Already time for the Niagara County Fair, not that it is all that spectacular, but I still cannot believe it is that time of year. It is really sad to see the same vender's booths in the same spots, again. Animals were the same, but the kids raising them are growing older. I am sure it will be the same next year.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Not your Mama!
This baby bird is not the bird you would think at first glance. The larger bird, a (House or Purple) Finch, is actually being fed by the smaller, a Chipping Sparrow. I think the Sparrow felt sorry for the baby Finch and became either an adopted parent or a babysitter. If the Sparrow hopped one way the Finch would follow, all over the yard.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Little snake

I saw this little one hanging outside the back door. I put the camera down to its level and it began to "check" the lens out. It is hard to tell from this image, but it is sitting in some pebbles about an inch or so in diameter, and it, itself, was about as big as a pencil. After I got a good shot of it I shooed it away so it would not get trampled.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Intergrade Admiral (Limenitis arthemis)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Day of Blogs Wordie
Sunday, July 27, 2008
White Rose of Sharon
Saturday, July 26, 2008
My Backyard
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Donkeys and A Horse
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Abandoned on Transit Road

There are a series of houses on Transit Road in Amherst, New York and this one is by far my favourite. This house reminds me of The Amityville Horror (1979) house, without the creepy double windows near the roof line. I still want to get a few more shots since this one does not show the "lack of" roof well enough.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Electric Lines
Monday, July 21, 2008
Charity Event
It is that time of year again, but the official Blogathon will not be held. Instead a group of us have joined together creating a low tech event called the Day of Blogs happening this Saturday, July 26 from 09:00 EST until 09:00 EST Sunday, July 27 (24 hours posting every half an hour). Low tech means there will not be a sign up page for sponsors like previous years, but there is an official event website,
"At present, the food fund provides three meals daily for all 2,600 monks living at Sera Je Monastery. As more monks arrive, the need for nutritious meals increases daily." Source
This year I will be blogging for donations to the
Sera Je Food Fund.
Sera Je Food Fund.
"At present, the food fund provides three meals daily for all 2,600 monks living at Sera Je Monastery. As more monks arrive, the need for nutritious meals increases daily." Source
Donations, at the end of the event, can be made through my event blog, Feed A Monk, at the link to the right titled Make A Donation. If you are planning to make a donation please email your name or a name to be displayed and the total dollar amount to (or reply to this post), so your donation can appear in the Supporters section [ASAP - please]. Even if you do not wish to or cannot contribute financially, but have a minute to stop by my event blog Saturday, leave a comment.
Thank you very much.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Baby Rabbit

The influx of baby critters is increasing. This baby rabbit is hopefully the last remaining baby from a nest I found in my front yard. I had to bury 3 of 4 from that nest, but I never found the last one. This baby is right about the correct size, adjusting for a bit of growth. The larger rabbit is a regular visitor and based on the observation, could be a parent. That rabbit chases away any other rabbits except this baby.
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