Sunday, August 31, 2008


Went to visit my brother,
one hour without an issue,
Jasper Kitty making the rounds,
clean sheets,
language mini-lesson,
video game,
drive home in the dark.

Saturday, August 30, 2008



Friday, August 29, 2008


This has been such a long week, and I fell asleep on the couch -- a rarity. I am glad to have a long weekend to get a good start at my homework. I really want to get off on a favourable start this semester.


JPN101 - Japanese YR 1, SEM 1
MFC303 - Data Communication and Networking
MFC305 - Digital Internetworking
AS393 - Tibetan Buddhist Thought
AS431 - Classical Tibetan YR 2, SEM 1

(Plus I am getting tutored in Chinese YR2, SEM 1 level)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Backyard Zoo

tiny bunny
who turns
bowling for birds

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


sleep deprived
coffee infused
homework nightmares
aoi kasa

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Analogy from class

Driving through life collecting bugs on your windshield clouding your vision. Take time to clean the bugs off.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The First Day

今晩は (konbanwa),

I had 2 language classes today, Chinese 201 and Japanese 101, in which English was kept to a minimum. Sometimes I wonder if I can learn these languages, and my professors assure me I am fully able to learn. I hope so.

再见 (zai jian)

Sunday, August 24, 2008


From the closing of the games to the beginning of a new school year, it is truly amazing how fast time goes by and how many amazing events one can experience in a short period of time.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tiny Dancer

I was very lucky to capture such a moment of zippy-ness. This male Ruby-throated Hummingbird stopped for a quick sip before zig-zagging his way back to wherever he decided on going. This season we had 3 Hummingbirds; this male and two females.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Like a new car

Yes, it is true, my car is fixed -- even though this maybe a premature celebration. I was able to drive the car home and the new shop was able to diagnose and fix what they say is a common problem with my type of car. Hopefully I will not have any more problems starting the car.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tech Family

I love my MACs. First there was Taank; a G5 PowerPC Tower. Next came Bennie "The Monster"; an Intel iMac turned Virtual Machine. Finally, Piint joined the family; a 13" Intel MacBook, also evolving to a Virtual Machine. Everyone enjoys working together and they are a joy to work with.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Athletes of every colour
Years of training
One moment carved in time
All come together under one flag

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ready, Set, Study

the summer is winding down
shoppers swarm
the new look
for the new year
back to the grind

Monday, August 18, 2008

Grackle Line

All of a sudden we have had a flock of (common) grackles visit our yard every morning. I would venture to say there are at least 20 birds when everyone arrives. When they scatter into the trees, there are just so many places for them to sit and is very humourous to watch them compete for the prime perch. Sometimes they simply line up and wait for others to figure out where they will sit.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Blue Visitor

Despite being a trickster in myth, the Blue Jay is a beautiful bird. We have 5 Jays visit on a regular basis, but this is a new occurrence. Today one Blue Jay landed in a tree a few feet from me while I was tending the sunflowers. It was not scared off when it realized I was there, nor did I move, and hopefully I made an unthreatening impression.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Swimming Mania

Watching Phelps win 8 for 8 gold metals in one Olympics was truly amazing. Each event built more excitement and unbelievable finishes. Not only Phelps but how about Torres! Now swimming is over, and time to move on to other favourite events -- track & field.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Letter

I received a letter from India stating the nun I sponsor, Sonam Yangzom, has not been to the TNP office in Dharamsala to pick up her stipend in a long time. She never said she was leaving, and no one knows where she is. Her name has now been removed from the list so I now I sponsor a different nun, Dekyi Youdon.

I hope wherever Sonam is she is well.


* photo courtesy of TNP

Thursday, August 14, 2008

summer noises

people shouting
kids laughing
crickets chirping
birds singing
cars beeping
dogs barking
cicadas buzzing
fires crackling
leaves rustling

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I bought 2 round cat beds, a his and hers, and where do they sleep? Next to the plush beds, in a box from a recent delivery is the nap space of choice. This morning Squeaky found her brother reclining in the box and bopped him on the head a few times because she wanted to be in the box.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One More Year Older

Just having some fun with my iSight cam on my birthday. Today really was just another day, except I have to remember to write 31 in the "age" spot on any forms.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Finally captured a shot of an American Goldfinch [M] taking a sip of water from the makeshift bird bath I created a week ago. I am hoping all the birds will eventually take full advantage of the water, but sips are rewarding as well -- and I am sure greatly appreciated.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Snack time

This little one was hanging out by the back door. When I first saw this chipmunk, it was sitting inside a hole in a cinderblock eating some sunflower seeds. Later I quietly peaked around the corner of the door again to see the chipmunk perched on the brick having a bit of acorn. It did not seen to mind me checking on what it was doing as it must have known I was only an onlooker and not a threat.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Olympic Fever

Copyright The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad

I have set up in the porch, in front of the TV, to watch as much of the Olympics as I can while still getting some work done -- during the commercials. Then again there is But sometimes there are the must watch commercials, the Clydesdale horses with the Rocky theme song! 

Friday, August 8, 2008

The World Watches

We watch as many nations parade their flags, their atheletes into a common arena. All these nations stand side by side, smiling, peaceful. Yet the announcers remind us all of all the conflicts, pain and suffering from the past or the present. Maybe the world will look at these games and learn something.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


The sounds of summer time. Think about it: 5 years underground attached to a tree root, have to dig to the surface, climb up any available surface, quickly molt, sing, produce offspring, die.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Upgrade for school

Today marks a new addition to my MAC family, a 13" MacBook. Since I am a college student I was able to get a discount. Also the deal came with an iPod Touch, free after rebate. I was not complaining. This machine will take some getting used to, but I am sure, in no time, I will not know the difference.

Kudos to Apple!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My eye finds repetition inviting. The subject does not matter, but odd numbers are preferable. Something as simple as a patch of stones, delights the eye.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Meditating Tiny Toad

This little one has been hanging out in my yard, in roughly the same area, for a few days now. He is sitting very similar to this image and let me get close enough to make this image. I think, I hope, it realizes I mean it no harm. I am just an admirer.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


The world is an intriguing place,
even though there are days I want to hide.

On my best day,
it could rain.

An alternate ending,
is never possible.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


The day after Mom's hand surgery is going better than I thought. Last time seemed so long of a recovery, even after one day.

Storms canceled the One Day Fishing Contest my brother and stepfather were going to fish in, but they managed to do a little fishing when the weather cleared a bit. Tomorrow is the rain day, so hopefully they will have better weather.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Fair

Already time for the Niagara County Fair, not that it is all that spectacular, but I still cannot believe it is that time of year. It is really sad to see the same vender's booths in the same spots, again. Animals were the same, but the kids raising them are growing older. I am sure it will be the same next year.