Saturday, January 31, 2009

Typical Saturday

Another productive day.

Audio editing,
webpage building,

Dishes were washed,
I dried,
put some away.

Updated blogs,
watched a late hockey game,
my hometown wins.

Watched the birds,
played with the cats,
only ventured out once,
to get the mail and newspapers.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Random Chaos

I spent my evening editing my Classical Tibetan lecture (audio). I still have a couple to do, and make a new webpage to host this semester. I did also watch most of Ben-Hur (1959).

I still cannot figure out my one programming assignment, hopefully I can.

I cannot express my joy of knowing that this crappy snowy weather will be ending soon. I drove in and out of a blizzard-like patch which only lasted a few miles. On the other side the sun was shining brightly.

Think warm weather.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I only had two classes today and both had elements of math in them. One class was programming, while the other was Japanese. I do not do well with numbers and math. I must say I am doing much better with Japanese numbers as I cannot figure out one of my programming assignments. Just like every other programming issue, I will figure it out, even if I have to ask.

I just cannot look at it any more tonight.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Majour snow storm today created hazardous conditions, even in the driveway --- I fell.
The driving was the worst it has been all season so far since the plows could not keep up.

Going down the mini hill near my house I had to stop for a red fox.
When I finally pulled in the driveway and stopped the car, I just sat there a few minutes, thankful to be home without incident.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A 6 Hour Break

My morning class, at 09:00, was canceled. My next class was at 14:00. I could have gone home, but I did not. There was much homework being accomplished as, at no point, was I not working on something. I was amazed at myself -- and got my programming homework done almost 5 days early.

Today was also the first of 6 "Dialogue Checks" in Japanese -- the ones that have to be memorized yet you do not know what part you actually have to say until you are up in front of the class. Normally I am dreadfully nervous and ramble horribly, but not today; it was not that bad.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese New Year of the Ox



Dancers dressed as a bull perform at the opening ceremony of a temple fair in Beijing.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


So yesterday I gave up on my programming assignment and submitted what I had finished. Well, it was not what my professor was looking for but he let me know and told me to re-read the assignment page and try again. Something, perhaps from the deep recesses of my brain, clicked and I instantly knew what I did wrong. Then I had to convert the code example to my information and in one try I was successful. I did not even want to blink at my computer screen, when I saw my table correctly displayed, for fear it would not be true and disappear or it was a figment of my imagination. No, it was really there. I altered the query and ran it again and presto, this one worked as well.

I was not even going to check my email before I went to bed, but I am so glad I did. My professor emailed me this morning, but I have been busy all day and checked my email around 23:00 -- the server shuts down at midnight. I feel so dumb that I could not figure this out before and the answer was right there, probably screaming at me and I simply did not understand. I must say, all my failures from this assignment lead to my eventual success.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


So I spent my evening fighting with code again. I might have my query correct, but I have no idea and probably will not know until Monday afternoon. Hopefully we will go over the assignment in class so I can see what the code looked like, if not I will ask my professor to go over the code. My professor can already see what I did and was trying to do as this is MySQL.

The query I submitted works, but I am not sure if I joined my tables exactly as called for in the specifications of the assignment -- but I do have a left joined table using a foreign key.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Today is my Mom's birthday. I had Japanese at 2pm and was then able to stop and buy her favourite cake. She had no idea and was so delighted. We met my Grandparents at the local UAW hall for a fish fry -- I just had french fries, and beer. They followed us back to our house for coffee and of course, the cake. My stepfather bought her a bottle of Heinz 57 ketchup, as that is how old she now is, for a joke (she dislikes ketchup).

Thursday, January 22, 2009


This Mourning Dove at first was eating, but stepped away for other seeds. When Dark-eyed Juncos moved in to feed, the Mourning Dove came scurrying back and finally settled on the pile of corn I, originally, left for the squirrels and rabbit.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank You

" In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of shortcuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted--for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things--some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom.


Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life. They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions; greater than all the differences of birth or wealth or faction.

This is the journey we continue today. We remain the most prosperous, powerful nation on Earth. Our workers are no less productive than when this crisis began. Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and services no less needed than they were last week or last month or last year. Our capacity remains undiminished. But our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions--that time has surely passed. Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America."

President Barack Obama
Inaugural Address
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to normal

Finally took the X-mas tree down today. The room looks bare, but the windows now let in more light. It would have been awesome to keep the tree up, as I love the lights, but alas we needed the room back. I know the cats already miss sitting under the tree, but I am sure they will return to their other favourite perches.

Went out to do some birthday shopping for my Mom and still found amazing sales. I was able to get the デスノート fleece blanket I saw during X-mas, but now for $5 instead of $19.99 -- I found what I was going to but for my Mom and it too was on sale.

Back to school after this holiday, and I will have to remember it is Tuesday.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Plane

While returning home from grocery shopping, I saw a low flying, single engine, airplane. It was circling around, getting lower, when I realized we were near a small air field. The plane flew directly over head, maybe 10-15 feet above us. Instead of wheels there were skis. I just barely was able to see the plane touch down before we passed to far out of range.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

mysql> show tables;

I did it, a couple of mistakes, which I fixed, but I created my first table in MySQL and inserted information into another previously created. We had to create a table of email addresses and information about two people. I used characters from ブリーチ (Bleach), yeah really -- I am such a nerd. I was so nervous, irrationally so, that I made stupid mistakes, more like typos, but one was a learning experience as I did not know if I could list more than one variable at once. In the end I was most pleased with myself that I did not freak out and my table works -- it was only a table after all, but I always have a "moment" when I start a new programming experience.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Trying to stay warm

I have spent so long trying to see if MySQL is working that half my battery is used; at least I can login to the server so I can do my homework.

I also have been battling a cat, who has been, but now has won, my attention even though I continue to type over him. I just told him he could not sleep here all night, on my lap, and he got down to eat. Priorities I suppose.

Did I mention it it freakin' cold, down right frigid, really -20°F (-28°C) [wind chill]. Tomorrow it will snow, again. At least I have a long weekend. Win!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Each day of this week seemed like a week themselves. I just have Japanese tomorrow (50 min), and a quiz on Chapter 7 vocabulary. I do not have to get up early and I do not have class due to holiday. Then it starts --- add/drop is over, everyone's schedule is set (for the most part), so all classes kick into high gear. I am more than grateful to have a MacBook as I can do all my homework and take class notes for my programming classes right here, on my MAC. My PHP/MySGL professor even uses a MAC and I will be able to follow exactly. In my Python class my professor spent time showing us how to download, install and use Python 2.5.2 on Windows, but for MAC users this is not necessary as Python is built in and ready to use. My professor checked my MAC to check that I was in fact ready to program --- I am. I introduced her to Smultron (freeware), a free text editor for MAC.

I have a really good feeling about this semester.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It the week over yet?

The bitter cold temperatures have kept me inside as much as possible.
On campus I will walk out of my way to use the internal walkways.

Today was also my super long day where I had 4 of my 5 classes, between 09:00 and 17:45 (but I get to campus at 08:00) -- and I got out early.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Adjustment period

It is only Tuesday and I am exhausted.
I have four long days followed by one short.
But I am only half way there.

I will make it.
It will be better.
I knew this would happen.
I always have a rough transition.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Going Well

The first day was a success! I was able to get into the programming class I was hoping to, PHP and mySQL. My film history class rocks; covers from 1940's to almost present, but not huge Hollywood films. Japanese class went as well as expected, good and bad. More study is needed in all courses, but I will make it and I already know this will be a successful and rewarding semester.

Another new class tomorrow, as it meets Tues/Thurs, Programming for Digital art -- yep another programming class. Wednesday is Classical Tibetan, just another highlight.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

End and Beginning

This is it.
It is over.
The "it" is winter break.

Time for new classes,
Piles of homework and projects,
Endless sleepless nights,
And I willingly signed up.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cleaning up

Sometimes I forget just how fast laundry piles up. Seriously, 4 loads of mostly T-shirts is ridiculous, but this is what I faced. The sad thing is I still have other laundry to finish. This whole winter break I have done more work in the driveway than any other area.

I finally managed to get some Japanese studing done. I worked on the next chapter vocabulary and started reading the activities. I am glad to have not forgotten everything. I know I already have a quiz on this vocabulary next Friday.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I am reading a book about a woman and her journey to be a Buddhist nun. The difference is she is from the West and her journey started in the 1960's. Reading her experiences, her very beginnings, resonated with me, almost echoing my thoughts, feelings and struggles to understand what the inner commotion was/is trying to say. I am ever so grateful to the friend that lent me the book. I may have heard of the nun which the story is about, but I would not have read this book had it not been for my friend.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Spring 2009

The reality of the upcoming semester is in full swing. Unfortunately one of my classes, in Oracle SQL, was cancelled, but this opened up 3 credits for a class I am hoping to get into, a PHP/mySQL course. If this falls through as well, I have another plan. I did, however, get my Japanese books (and a dictionary). Plus I started reviewing for my Classical Tibetan class by rereading chapter 2, only the Tibetan, and I was so amazed I could read it. My Tibetan may suck, but I am too damn determined to learn that I will not give up.

My motto for this next semester, from The Doors:
"The time to hesitate is through."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

No Car but Snow

Today proved to be a typical day in the chaos which I live. Finally started to get some work done, even a haircut. I went to clean off my car after the ice storm, still no problem --- even cleared most of the driveway of ice. Then the car did not start when I had to leave to take the car to the shop. It must have known it was going to the "doctor", but only for an oil change and an exhaust issue. With the amount of ice still in the driveway, I could not get my footing to push the car again, so I had to call a tow truck. I cannot imagine how much this one is going to cost. Then it started to snow and the wind picked up.

When it was all over I made sticky rice and sat with the cat, or should I say, the cat sat with me.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I managed to kill my car's battery when I started the car to warm it up and defrost it, but then it started snowing so bad so I shut the car and went in the house --- this and it had been freezing cold for a while. Today I had to jump the car by rolling it from its "home" down a bit of a hill, at an almost 90° angle, for only about a car and a half length in distance. This does not seem so bad but for the fact that the tires were in the ruts where the car has settled into the driveway and there was only me pushing and steering a 1996 Dodge Intrepid, a.k.a. "the tank". I am too stuborn to let the car win and it did not. I had already moved the other car into position so when my car was ready I rolled the other, in neutral, to my car. After a while my car finally started and I drove it around a bit. Did I also mention most of this was accomplished on an icy driveway?

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Used

We acquired a new, used, TV. Things like this happen every so often, as we have had a bit of luck rescuing (in perfect working order) items from the trash, from people we know. Many times we, in turn, inquire if others need or want those items which were replaced. 

It is good to know a bit about hooking up electronics as we had to rethink hooking the satellite box to the TV. Then there were not enough AV inputs, so I had to go out and buy an A-B switch.

No problem.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today I spent the day processing my digital photographs. With the end of the Fall semester, the snow storms and the holidays, my photo project was put on hold. I had most of the images either in my camera or on my computer. I am now current, including today. I find I have similar reoccurring themes running through my work. I am fascinated with birds and can have a whole project simply showcasing my friends who regularly visit my home feeders. 

I have not just a photo of the day, but a self portrait of the day project in full swing. While studying art history I learned about the master painters and their self portraits. I was drawn to the progression of age displayed across a series of canvases.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

First Bowl Game (played) in UB History

Buffalo Bulls quarterback Drew Willy gets ready to throw a pass against the Connecticut Huskies during the first half of their NCAA International Bowl football game in Toronto January 3, 2009. (Mark Blinch/Reuters)

Buffalo 20
Connecticut 38

Friday, January 2, 2009


I was traveling earlier today, to buy some lumber, and we were amazed at the amount of people out and about. We made 5 stops and it took longer to get from place to place than it did to shop. We even took the "back way" and the main roads were worse. We managed to fulfill our "mission". To and fro, fro and to everyone moving at once, trying almost in vain, to get ahead --- but there is no way to get ahead faster.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Double Hockey

The second Winter Classic played this afternoon was the first of two hockey games today.  The other was the Sabres, the hometown team, and the Leafs. Great rivals, yet both my favourites, the game ended with a Sabres win. Next up the All Star weekend. I cannot wait!