Sometimes computers drive me further to the edge of insanity. My desktop froze and I have to shut it. Then I got a blue screen with only a cursor. Finally found how to start in Safe Mode and found it was my mirror agent mucking up the system. I shut it and restarted, then everything is okay now.
With this all over I had to calm myself and wait for my blood pressure to resume to normal.
I have spent hours, since 09:00 EST, writing haiku for Blogathon 2009. I already have written most for these over night hours as I have things that I want to say. I know I will be looking forward to a nap after this is all said and done -- I did not sleep well last night.
Of course this year was not without incident. We have been having severe weather all day, even a tornado not too far away. Then the power went out for a few minutes and my heart sank. Thankfully it was only a few minutes.
I think it is sad so many people are giving the President so much grief over the Healthcare Reforms and how the USA is going to pay for it.
I have an idea: cut out all the frivolous earmarks and spending and pool it together. Not only would this country be out of a Recession, but together WE can pay for healthcare.
It is really sad when someone devotes their life to a company, makes them millions when you the grunt barely scrapes by, not to mention putting up with all their melodrama, and also is told to step down from a higher position.
I cannot understand how Albany politicians thought they could get away with giving exorbitant raises to a few people "in charge" when we the citizens of NY are paying for everything. This after the circus playground of who is in charge -- not working and still getting paid.
If the common business person tried something along these lines all hell would break out -- arrests, lawsuits, et al. I say fire them and hire someone else, all while changing the "rules" so this does not happen again. Okay, so I am dreaming, but at least I still have that.
Today marks one year blogging here every day. I did not think I would make it, but I found updating daily rewarding. Posts varied from comments to current events, photographs from that day and what are now memories. I really feel no need to stop, so let us see what the next year brings.