Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Summer Registration: Part 1

I was able to register for a Summer course, Documentary Animation, but just one as the school cancelled the other three I was planning on taking. I know I will also be doing a lot of Classical Tibetan work, so I suppose this is ok. I also know I have a lot of outside of school work to get done and maybe this year I will actually be able to accomplish this great task.

I register for Fall courses on Saturday.

DMS 218 - Documentary Animation 4 cr.
"The goals of this course will be to instruct students in the history and practice of documentary animation. This emerging, experimental subgenre will provide students with the means to explore a non-conventional and expressive approach to non-fiction storytelling. This class will cover basic experimental animation techniques, documentary field recording methods (including interviewing skills), and the use of found footage (including fair-use or the issue of copyright). This is a studio class in which the instructors will work closely with students as they explore their personal style in '…the creative treatment of actuality.' No experience with video or art is required. Course can be applied toward Beginning or Intermediate (Non-*) Production or elective requirement. " *

* source of course descriptions from
DMS Summer 2009 Undergraduate Course Descriptions

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