Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fall Registration: Part 2

So far:

DMS 105 - Basic Documentary 4 cr.
"The fundamental theoretical, creative, and technical concerns of documentary and video production."

DMS 225 - Digital Literature Survey 4 cr.
"Intensive survey of the field of digital literature through a focus on the screening of digital texts. Primary emphasis is on 'reading' the digital texts presented. Course also covers the relationship of innovative poetry to digital media, the phenomenon of the Internet and its relation to 'the I', meaning-making through the context, design, and writerly qualities of Web pages, traditions of hypertext, the materiality of code, the history of e-poetry, and digital media poetry in the academy. Special attention will be given to understanding a broad range of innovative works in the medium including hypertext, digital and kinetic literature, interactive texts, and works in networked and programmable media, and to examining, interpreting, and interrogating the key theoretical texts of the most significant practitioners in the field. Includes foundational early theory, writings from formative scholarly hypertext theorists, and work by more recent cutting-edge independent digital theorists. Examines the role of programming as a social, literary, and language-related act. The cultural impact of films related to programming/cyberculture is discussed, with film screenings as appropriate. Discussion of key cyberculture and media theory authors as relevant."

MFC 307 - Interm Local Area Network 3 cr.
"Focuses on the products, problems, and trends involved in designing, implementing, and maintaining PC-based local area networks (LANs) for distributed application processing. Students learn concepts and techniques that enable them to become qualified participants in LAN projects."

I still have to add two more courses but the department has not change my status when I was accepted, so I cannot yet register for "majour only courses". Hopefully Monday I can get this all straightened out.

* source of course descriptions from UB Undergraduate Academic Schedule: Fall 2009

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